Comienza o mejora tus habilidades para ser un/a educador/a emprendedor/a o “Edupreneur”
Webinar: “Nos apasiona el emprendimiento educativo”
Fecha: 6 de septiembre 2023, a las 21 horas (Arg.)
4 módulos en 1 hora: Comercial, Legal, Marketing & Tecnológico.
Premios: * Sorteo de 15 cursos: “Emprendimientos educativos”.
*Sorteo de 2 derechos de exámenes finales en Winton International
Inscripción: en el Chatbot o por email a
All year round Webinars:
No matter where we are, with emerging technologies, it is possible
to share information,
trends and be trained in any area of knowledge.
At Winton International Academy, we run FREE webinars and
live streaming on the best practices for teaching, marketing,
technology, legal advice, and online education.
Just stay home, in the office, or at school and connect with us
on the dates and times planned for the event.
What´s more, you can ask for a FREE personalized
30-minute information session on online career development,
international exams, trips to and from Canada, College programs,
and on how to partner with us.